
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Acting, Movies and Your Mount Laurel Martial Artist

Many of you know that I am an actor and that I’ve been in the theater, tv and films for almost thirty years. Some of you may know that I started as a Salsa dancer in NYC and eventually dance classical ballet.

Can you imagine how exciting it is to travel around the world and meeting great people while doing something that you are passionate about…and being paid?!?!


It is very hard work, but I’ve learn so much from these experiences.

My passion for life, people, theater, dance, and acting energize my passion for teaching and martial arts. I’m sure you can see this when I teach or do an event.

One of my favorite things to do is watch movies that have powerful life lessons in them.

One of the things that I will be doing in my 2012 summer program is teaching life lessons and character enhancement skills using movies, vignettes and role-playing.

So one of my research assignments in preparation for the summer program is to watch many, if not all, of my favorite movies. Very cool…

So, today’s post is different from usual. We’re going to take a journey into the topic of movies – specifically, movies with meaningful life lessons for us to learn. Not all the movies may be appropriate for all ages, however, we can draw some valuable life lessons from them.

So, get some popcorn before you continue reading! :)

I’ve put together a list of top movies with important life lessons for us to learn. The films complete with trailers, descriptions, and some with my personal reviews if I’ve watched them before. Following that is a condensed list of more movies with meaningful life lessons which I will be adding to as I move forward in my preparation for my 2012Summer program. There are videos throughout this post.

If you’ve watched any of them, feel free to give your reviews/take in the comments area (no spoilers please!). Also feel free to recommend your favorite inspiring movies so I (and others) can check them out.

I dislike spoilers, so there aren’t any here (nothing that gives away the film anyway). Read on without reservations :)

Not in any order of importance.

Bruce Almighty
Bruce Almighty is a fun film with a meaningful message embedded in it. It’s about a TV reporter who has a constant string of bad things happen to him. He complains that God is doing a poor job as a God – at which point God appeared to him and offered him all his powers to see if he can do a better job. Along the way, he learns lessons that changed his life.

On the whole I think the messages can be played up more – the humor tends to take over the film sometimes, possibly to cater to the mainstream audience. Great weekend film to watch with friends.

The Peaceful Warrior
A while back my wife rented the movie Peaceful Warrior thinking that I would enjoy it. Boy was she right (as always). I love this movie and it’s one of my favorites. I also got turned on to the work, books and writings of the writer, Dan Millman.

Based on Way of The Peaceful Warrior (book), the film features Dan, a student from U.C. Berkeley who has everything a college student could possibly want – the looks, fame, great friends, attention from every girl and talent in his gymnastics, his passion. Yet, he’s unhappy, deeply troubled and has trouble sleeping at night. One night, he meets a spiritual guide and from there his journey of self-discovery begins.

I like the Peaceful Warrior and there are many meaningful messages littered throughout the movie. In fact, I’ve also included several of the quotes in my upcoming inspiring quotes of all time series. Some of my favorites are:

·         “There is never nothing going on. There are no ordinary moments.”
·         “The ones who are hardest to love are usually the ones who need it the most.”
·         “Death isn’t sad. The sad thing is: most people don’t live at all.”
·         “A warrior is not about perfection or victory or invulnerability. He’s about absolute vulnerability. That is the only true courage.”

There’s definitely some good stuff in this movie, especially evidenced by the rave reviews by others. For those who are looking for a deeper meaning in life, this is a great movie to get you started.

The Family Man
The Family Man is a comedy drama about a highly successful, single investment banker who gets to experience how his life would have been if he made a different decision 13 years ago (i.e. choosing to stay with his girlfriend over a fast-lane career). It’s a movie with a ‘what if I had done this instead?’ experience and contrasts the life of one with great wealth and success vs. a quiet family life.

It’s a great movie to that sparks thoughts about your life, though I’m not exactly in agreement with the indirect message the movie sends that life has to be an either/or scenario (in this case, wealth vs. family). It encourages people to justify not pursuing career / wealth goals because they have a family or that they shouldn’t pursue love / have a family because they’re busy with their career. Both are achievable (or else top business people/CEOs/the best performers in their fields would all be singletons, which isn’t the case) – it’s a matter of growing and expanding our capacity.

What I do like is it gets you to reflect on what you’re currently doing in your life. If you continue what you’re doing today, where is it going to lead you? A life of achievements and wealth but with no real friends or loved ones to speak of? A life spent conforming to norms and never taking action to pursue your real goals and dreams? A life just living for others but not for yourself? Someone bitter at life and at the end of it all, yourself? And is this life what you want? If not, what are you going to do to change this outcome?

Similar movies worth checking: It’s a Wonderful Life (1946 film) and A Christmas Carol (classic). These have same “what if” / alternate reality scenarios that get you thinking about your life.

Click is about a man who receives a magical remote controller that allows him to flash back, stop and fast forward through time. He uses it to skip past moments in life that he finds mundane/boring (e.g., family dinner, shower, time taken to get to the next promotion, when he’s sick). Initially it seems fun, but after a while he found it comes with unexpected consequences, which you have to watch to find out.

Forget the demeanor of the trailer/marketing that comes across as your typical Hollywood, slapstick comedy. This really isn’t. At first it may seem like that, but halfway through you realize there’s something deeper that the story is driving. It gets you to think about life’s moments and how every moment is no less important than another. IMO, it drives home the message that “every moment is a moment to be lived” more strongly than Peaceful Warrior.

I really, really love this film and highly recommend this to everyone.

Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump is another movie that I really, really love. Forrest Gump is a 1994 American epic comedy-drama romance film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom. The film was directed by Robert Zemeckis, starring Tom Hanks, Robin Wright and Gary Sinise.

The story depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump, a naive and slow-witted native of Alabama who witnesses, and in some cases influences, some of the defining events of the latter half of the 20th century.

I was so emotional as I could connect with Forrest on so many levels. Growing up I always felt like the underdog and I persevered like Forrest to achieve some success / significance in my life. Now for some of the lessons:
  • Honesty is the best policy – throughout the movie Forrest is always honest and even though people do take advantage of his honesty it builds his integrity as a person.
  • Follow your heart – Forrest never gives up on his dreams and when he starts some new project he sees it through to the end.
  • Help other people – while in Vietnam Forrest saves many of his fellow soldiers in a selfless act that wins in the Congregational Medal of Honor.
  • Love unconditionally – Forrest loved his mother and Jenny unconditionally. He wins the love of Jenny in the end but he always gave more then he received.
I’m interested to hear what others liked about this movie which won Tom Hanks his 2nd Best Actor Oscar.

The Secret
A non-fiction movie on Law of Attraction and positive thinking. Law of Attraction refers to the idea that both your conscious and subconscious thoughts affect your outcomes in life, whether through the sub-consciousness and consciousness. The movie took the world by storm and has been featured on Oprah, The Ellen Show, Larry King, among countless other mainstream media.

I watched this movie when I heard about it from friends on back in 2009. At that time I was new to the concept of the LoA, so learning it from the show was definitely intriguing. I’ve since learned more about LoA from reading other blogs and came to appreciate it even more. Basically the concept of LoA syncs with a lot of things I’ve come to conclude from my own experience, so it was more of an affirmation for me.

20 minute clip of the beginning of The Secret

The combination of the imagery, music and the idea of a loose story line weaved in a documentary style with examples drove a very powerful message. Throughout watching the show and afterward, I felt more conscious than my usual self. Just watching this once a week/month can create an upward shift in your consciousness in the long-term (of course, don’t fall into the trap of a self-help junkie – ultimately self-help resources are meant to accentuate actions you’re taking in life – of course this is my humble opinion, as always). I recommend all of you watch this and maybe even get the DVD, since it has high replay value. The core message applies to you no matter what stage of life you’re at.

There are many LoA detractors out there who feel LoA is a hoax. Based on what I’ve read, their thoughts and opinions seem to be a result of a misunderstanding of the concept.

There’s also a companion book of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I haven’t read it before but I gather it’s similar in its overall message with the film.

The Bucket List
The Bucket List (movie) is about 2 terminally ill men who cross paths in a hospital after they were diagnosed with lung cancer. Through their treatments, they befriend each other. They decided to embark on a trip to fulfill their bucket list – a list of things they want to do before they die.

I’ve not watched The Bucket List before but I read about the idea elsewhere. I embrace the concept of bucket lists personally.

Space Jam

The winning point of the movie is really the simplicity. It drives home the values of determination, persistence / never giving up, hard work, self-belief and friendship. I love the opening (watch clip above) which shares Jordan’s childhood scene with his Dad, and then the transition to the present day Michael. I got goose bumps watching it. R Kelly’s I Believe I Can Fly is a perfect theme song for the movie.

There is a joke on piracy in the middle of the film (when Bugs and Daffy are in Michael’s house) which I lol-ed when I heard it. You have to watch to find out what it is :D.

The Lion King
Lion King is an all-time classic and hands down the best hand-drawn animated film of all time. Even with all the 3-D films released today (which are great in their own right), none of them come close to matching Lion King in terms of raw quality and appeal. :D

If you haven’t watched Lion King before, please rent/buy/borrow a copy and watch it. I’ve probably watched over 10 timesmaybe it’s because I have kids…hmmm I wonder. I never fail to get emotional during the key scene in the 2nd quarter of the film (those who watched it before will know which one). I continue to re-watch the film once every every so often (again, with the kids? Hmm..) and continue to be moved each time because the story just never gets old. It speaks of love, responsibility, courage and strength.

Pay It Forward
Pay It Forward is about a young boy who creates a good-will movement, where he helps 3 people with something they can’t do themselves. The recipient cannot return the favor and must “pay it forward” by helping 3 other people. The film starts off a little slow, but does pick up mid-way. 3/4s through the film, everything starts to fall into place and the ending is a tear-inducing one. I like how the things unexpectedly reconnect throughout the film. It’s a film of kindness, generosity, warmth and gratitude.

The Pursuit of Happyness
The Pursuit of Happyness is about a salesman who undergoes defeats, challenges and hardship (his wife leaving him, being rendered homeless) to secure a better living for his son. Throughout his journey, he never once gave up, and stood firm to his goals. The mood of the show is slow and somber, intended for the audience to experience more fully what the character is going through. Besides determination, self-belief, persistence and going after our dreams, the story also speaks strongly of a dad’s love for his child.

If you feel like you’ve been down and out in life and just about had enough of it, you should check out this film. It’s based on Chris Gardner‘s true story.

Yes Man!
Yes Man! is about a bank employee (Jim Carrey) who kept saying no to everything in his life until an experience in a motivational seminar changes him to say Yes! to everything that comes his way.

How many times do you say no in life? Do you shut out opportunities without even realizing? Is it about time you say yes to things that come your way? This movie will get you thinking.

More Films With Lessons To Learn
·    Shawshank Redemption – A story showing how your hope and outlook in life is what shapes your life experience, regardless of where you may be (prison or “free” in the world). (It’s quite evident that creators of Prison Break drew inspiration from this film!)
·    Memento – A psychological thriller, except that it’s not your typical one. It’s about a man with anterograde amnesia (a condition where the brain unable to store new memories) who seeks to find justice for his wife’s murder. The fact is I don’t watch thrillers at all, but a friend recommended this to me and I was very impressed by it after watching. For one, Memento is a very smart film executed in a very unique fashion. The film’s events unfold in two separate, alternating narratives — one in color, and the other in black and white. The black and white scenes are told in chronology, while the color scenes are in reverse chronology. By the time the film ends, both narratives converge to shed light on whole investigation. There are different takeaways depending on the viewer. For me it spoke how people put themselves in a state of self-denial and the self-created fantasies, and because of that they pursue a hollow life, putting themselves in pain/anguish.
·    The Butterfly Effect – This is a film of a man who desperately goes back in time to try to change the future for the better, with unexpected consequences each time. The butterfly effect is the phenomenon whereby one little action (the flutter of a butterfly) magnifies over time into a huge effect in the long-run (think along the lines of a tornado). I have the DVD and I have only watched it once because the show is overall very somber and depressing. However, it does have an important message in the film. Many people often wonder “What if I did this?” “What if I did that?”. The point is, we can’t change something without affecting something else in our life. Every decision we make comes with its downsides and upsides, and it’s our role to make the best out of the outcome, rather than regret and wish we did something else (because it is already in the past). Looking backwards prevent us from truly living our life. In the film you can see the character oblivious to everything that’s happening in the present because he is too busy trying to go back in time to change things. I won’t spoil the ending for you – watch the film and catch the outcome yourself.
·    Groundhog Day (recommended by reader Sumit) – A disgruntled TV weather man finds repeating a day over and over again, where only he himself remembers the past day’s events. At first he uses it for his personal advantage; but after a while he starts to evaluate his life and priorities.
·    Rocky series – An underdog club fighter who overcomes all odds to become the world heavyweight champion of all time.
·    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – An interesting tale of a man who is born in his eighties and ages backwards. Through the film, he experiences the human joys of love, departure, life and death
·    Up in the Air – It’s about a corporate downsizer who travels around the world helping companies lay off people. His life philosophy is about being non-commitment – detaching oneself from things, locations, and especially relationships. Through the course of the film, he meets people who gets him thinking otherwise. I watched Up in the Air but felt that the film didn’t resonate with me. Instead, I felt I was being set up throughout the film for an outcome which never took place. I’m putting it here as there seem to be many rave reviews of it – You might get a different experience watching it.
·    Inception – Of course, who can forget Inception, the 2010 hit film. While it has been better remembered as an action/heist film, there are many personal development lessons to take away from it too.

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