
Friday, January 20, 2012

Martial Arts Training For Senior Citizens

Although there are those that argue that senior citizens should not take martial arts not only as a way to stay physically fit, but to learn how to fight.

....just don't say that to Mr. Bill Doneghy!!!

“If you’re a senior citizen, it gives you confidence,” said Mr. Doneghy. “Every time you go, you’re accomplishing something. Master Liciaga doesn't take it easy on me because I am an old man! He trains me smart and pushes me to my limit. Master Liciaga always reminds me to do my best. I love it!"

Find out about our group classes and private lessons for senior citizens by calling 856-235-0414 or emailing

This blog is part of Peter Liciaga's effort to promote the Ultimate Black Belt Test Program (, which is an undertaking of The 100. (, and a part of Peter Liciaga's Dream 100 Project.

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