
Monday, January 23, 2012

Owning "YOU" and Your Work as a Black Belt Champion

Mine, Mine, Mine. Owning Something. It's ALL YOURS. Advanced Marketing, Your Black Belt Test and Training

Here is a clip from "Finding Nemo", one of my favorite movies... enjoy.

I want you to own something you want to own.

By "something", I mean the words, the phrases, the concepts, the ideas, the actions...everything that has to do with black belt excellence, personal growth and development!
By "own", I mean whenever someone thinks of a subject or searches for a subject, your name comes up!
Since it is our 21st-Century-Nature to  "own" a lot of things, I think we'd be wise by owning subjects that serve a noble and great cause, yes? 
Parenting, Child development, Behavioral Sciences, Confidence, Self-Esteem,  Self-defense, Bullying, Obesity, Positive Self-image for girls and boys, Leadership, Community Activism & Improvement, Fundraising, Personal Finance, Goal-setting, Teaching, Educational Activism, Problem Solving, etc...etc...etc...
Let's do a quick experiment:
Here is a internet search for "black belt training in mount laurel" on popular search engines:
  1. Google on Google Chrome
  2. Google on Internet Explorer
  3. On FireFox
Who's name comes up? 
So, let's chat about how one goes about "owning" something and making it "mine, mine, mine" :)
(see video above!)
Note: There may be as many steps to owning something as you see pasted around the young lady in the picture to the left.

Certainly to own something you have to know a lot about it.You'd want to know who the best people in the world are in that subject. What studies have been done, what resources are available? What are the solutions?

To own something you might produce more writing about the subject than anyone else you know (Or as I have with "black belt testing" in our community).

You might make more videos than anyone else, you might assist someone who's doing work in that field? You might take 1000 photos pertaining to it.
To own something you think and do and think and do and do and DO!

Let's Take Bully Prevention for example. To really OWN bully prevention, I mean to where you're actually worth what you think you're worth, you'd do these kinds of things:
  • You would have a bully resource website (see where anyone in your community can find the BEST info on all aspects of bullying and bully prevention. This wouldn't be some sloppy website with some "stuff" on it, this would be a solid year (or more) of work (and work that allowed you to self-educate and educate your staff as it was assembled, which is a win, win, win).
  • Do this work ONCE --and you'll be 10 miles ahead of the game when you turn your focus on another subject. It's also very likely that due to this work, your competitors will never be able to keep pace with you.
  • Not only would YOU be an expert, but you would be in the process of training --or have already trained ---a small army of others to help educate others.
  • Yeah, I know YOU'RE on it, but you're not doing your job if you don't "OWN" IT IN YOUR COMMUNITY!!!
  • You would be in the process of producing your own SHOW on the subject (see my Youtube Channel about Bullying below). I mean, WHY NOT? It's free. I've over 1000 videos under my belt now --which means I've practiced more than 1000 times, something that makes me FAR MORE eligible for some luck, should my preparation meet opportunity.
  • You might have picked up a camera and shot a larger library of anti-bullying and bullying images than is stored anywhere in the world (a VERY do-able goal).
  • You might have 10 courses you've designed --from a 7 minute info blitz to a 2 hour workshop, (Stop Bullying Now, ABC's of Self-Defense, Project Based Leadership, etc.). When the opportunity to deliver the message arrives, you're fully prepared to deliver.
  • You might develop a teachers tool-kit that FAR surpasses whatever your school district is currently paying for.

There are 100 other ways you could go about building OWNERSHIP of this subject, or any other you believe in, and are willing to work for.

I would like to encourage you to be the kind of black belt champion/teacher/professional/parent that knows exactly how to go about the OWNERSHIP process so well that it brings us all something wonderful, relevant and important as a result.

Find out when the next workshop for "Mine, Mine, Mine! How to Own Your Subject" webinar is by contacting Peter Liciaga at or just visiting his website at

This blog is part of Peter Liciaga's effort to promote the Ultimate Black Belt Test Program (, which is an undertaking of The 100. (, and a part of Peter Liciaga's Dream 100 Project.

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