
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Summer Program | Workshop Victory Beyond the Kicks and the Punches

Your Mount Laurel Education Activist and Martial Arts Educator,
Peter Liciaga's Summer Workshop for 2012!

"there is no starting or stopping, only doing"
"The Peaceful Warrior"

Victory Beyond the Kicks and the Punches
Summer Workshop Includes:

Leadership & Character Enhancement Skills
Video Lessons: Great Leaders on Leadership
Craft & Projects
Anti-Child Abduction & Child Safety
Physical Fitness
ABC's of Self-Defense
Bully Buster & Bully Proof Skills/Drills
Guest Speakers
and much more!

Victory Beyond the Kicks and the Punches is our 2012 Summer Leadership and Character Enhancement Workshop is just perfect to help your child become one of tomorrow's leaders!

Early Bird Special

All participants pay the same "Early Bird" rate of $199 per participant per session (Session One is from July 9 - 13 and Session Two is from August 13 - 17)

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