
Friday, December 28, 2018

Peter Liciaga Answers - How Can Parents Make Sense Of Martial Arts?

Going way beyond the physical aspect of martial arts! Parents, how can you make sense of training in martial arts if you don't care about the kicks, punches and blocks of martial arts? Listen to my thoughts in this video... share your thoughts.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Steps to a Healthy Self Image

Step one: Take inventory. Take a look at yourself and decided how much you are worth- If you decided to “sell out" You will see your realistic net worth is millions of dollars. When you complete the inventory of you- you will come to the realization that no one on the face of this earth can make you feel inferior without your permission and after this week’s lesson you will like yourself too much to ever give that permission. There is a very good reason why you should like you as you are. COMMON SENSE DEMANDS IT. A woman in Indiana received $1,000,000.00 because a drug caused her to lose her sight. She had taken it to clear up a rash on her face. Would you swap places with her? In California a boy was awarded $1,000,000.00 after a car accident caused a back injury that will prevent him from ever walking again. Would you swap places with him? Chances are a thousand to one that if your vision is normal and your back is strong you wouldn't consider swapping places with either one of these people. If you are a normal human being you would like to have the money but not in exchange for one of your greatest assets, your health.

Step Two: Read.  Regularly read stories of people who overcame great odds to succeed. Read the biographies and autobiographies of the men and women of every race, creed, and color who used what they had and got a great deal out of life by not giving up but by making contributions to life. Here is a short list of people to read about: Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Susan B. Anthony, Andrew Carnegie, Booker T Washington, Steve Jobs, and Eartha White. If you do not know who ALL of these people are, start today and learn everything you can. Reading these stories will show you how to be more inspired about life and its possibilities. 

Step Three: Smile.   Join the smile and compliment club. When you smile at someone and they smile back, you automatically feel better (and it increases your FACE value) Even if they don’t smile back, you will feel better because you know the most destitute person in the world is the one without a smile. You immediately become richer by giving that person your smile. When you sincerely compliment a person or act with courtesy (open a door, say please, or thank you) you give someone the ability to feel better about themselves, it is impossible for you to make someone feel better and not feel better yourself. 

Step Four: Your Victories.   Make a victory list to remind you of your past successes. This list should include those things that gave you the most satisfaction and confidence. It could be anything from the first time you said the alphabet by yourself, or getting your first “A” grade or even earning your belt in Karate. Making your success list will remind you of the stepping stones you have already made to achieve your goals. You will be reminded that you HAVE succeeded in the past and that you CAN do it again. This builds confidence which builds image, which builds success and happiness.

Being honest is a Champions quality. Stay focused and disciplined.  TAKE INVENTORY: How much are you worth? 

You must realize there is not really any price you can put on you. You are a unique creature created for a special purpose on this earth. So this week take stock of you and your unique gifts, list the three best qualities that make you SPECIAL and different > 1.______________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________ 
If you had to switch places with one of the people in this week’s story which one would it be and why? _______________________________________________________________

SMILE This week I smiled at everyone I met: (circle Yes or No for each day!) (M) Yes/ No (T) Yes/ No (W) Yes/ No (TH) Yes/ No (F) Yes/ No (S) Yes/ No 

This week I gave at least 1 honest compliment: (M) Yes/ No (T) Yes/ No (W) Yes/ No (TH) Yes/ No (F) Yes/ No (S) Yes/ No 

This week I used my common courtesies: (please, thank you, etc.,) (M) Yes/ No (T) Yes/ No (W) Yes/ No (TH) Yes/ No (F) Yes/ No (S) Yes/ No 

MY VICTORIES MY list of the 5 things I am MOST proud of in my life- these are little victories on the way to great things! 

2._____________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________
4._____________________________________________________________ 5.__________________________________________________________________

For more information on how Dinoto Karate can help you reach your goals, visit our website at

Monday, November 2, 2015

Mount Laurel Martial Arts - Evolution of a Black Belt - I'm not just a kid

Mount Laurel Martial Arts - Evolution of a Black Belt - I'm not just a kid

Mount Laurel, NJ - Congratulations to Adam Connor for achieving the rank of 2nd degree black belt in Tang Soo Do at Dinoto Karate Center.

Black Belt Training is an Evolution to a Greater YOU!

From the words of Adam:

"Black Belt training is all about evolution. It's about mental strength over physical challenges. It's like mind over matter... If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. It's knowing that the little things on a larger scale lead to success. It's knowing that every class; every stripe; every belt leads to a better me. It's an evolution. It's knowing that getting to my breaking point and choosing never to give up is an evolution to a better evolution to being a winner.  It's great to be a winner. It's great to be a black belt."

Black belt is the culmination of achieving self perfection and discipline. Over the years of training, students will discover that the skills they need to succeed in life can be found along their journey training in the martial arts.

The discipline that is developed through practicing martial arts will transfer self-control to all aspects of the students' life. Achieving black belt is a goal that all must work towards. It is a sign of education, accomplishment and achievement.

It is an evolution. Through the hard and an arduous journey, one who strives to achieve the rank of black belt must learn to over come obstacles, challenges and great hardship. They must learn to process and control emotions. They must strive to walk the talk and stand up for what they believe.

A Black Belt understands the importance that harmony with one's self, others and the world they live leads to success in life.

Black belt training is not simply an external accomplishment, but an internal as well.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Hey Kids -- Readers are Leaders!

There was a man named Dale.  Dale spent over 70 years of his life learning ways to win friends and influence people.  He became highly skilled and well respected.  In the process, he took careful notes and eventually wrote a book.

There was another man by the name of Vic.  Vic went to college to become a doctor.  He then continued his education and became a psychiatrist.  He too spent about 70 years of his life researching and learning. He concentrated on learning the meaning of life and helping others find meaning in their lives.  Along the way, he also took careful notes and wrote a book.

Once there was a young man who did not want to spend 70 plus years of his life learning how to do things the hard way. He wished there was some kind of pill he could take to make him smarter.  One day, he was complaining to his dad about why someone had not invented such a pill. His dad said that there was something like a pill that would work like a short cut.  In fact, he could get the knowledge another person spent a lifetime learning in just a few hours.

The young man got excited and said he'd like to see such a thing.  His dad then took him to the library and picked out Dale Carnegie's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and Victor Frankl's book, "Man in Search of Meaning."

There was a problem though. This young man did not like to read. In fact, it annoyed him that his parents and teachers were always after him to read.  He decided to try this new short cut.  The more good books he read, the smarter he got.  The smarter he got, the more he liked to read!

There was once a poor black girl who liked to read.  Today Oprah Winfrey is one of the wealthiest and most influential women in the world.

Abe Lincoln liked to read and he is one of the most loved and well respected men in the world.


Visit our website to learn how Leaders are created!