
Monday, November 2, 2015

Mount Laurel Martial Arts - Evolution of a Black Belt - I'm not just a kid

Mount Laurel Martial Arts - Evolution of a Black Belt - I'm not just a kid

Mount Laurel, NJ - Congratulations to Adam Connor for achieving the rank of 2nd degree black belt in Tang Soo Do at Dinoto Karate Center.

Black Belt Training is an Evolution to a Greater YOU!

From the words of Adam:

"Black Belt training is all about evolution. It's about mental strength over physical challenges. It's like mind over matter... If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. It's knowing that the little things on a larger scale lead to success. It's knowing that every class; every stripe; every belt leads to a better me. It's an evolution. It's knowing that getting to my breaking point and choosing never to give up is an evolution to a better evolution to being a winner.  It's great to be a winner. It's great to be a black belt."

Black belt is the culmination of achieving self perfection and discipline. Over the years of training, students will discover that the skills they need to succeed in life can be found along their journey training in the martial arts.

The discipline that is developed through practicing martial arts will transfer self-control to all aspects of the students' life. Achieving black belt is a goal that all must work towards. It is a sign of education, accomplishment and achievement.

It is an evolution. Through the hard and an arduous journey, one who strives to achieve the rank of black belt must learn to over come obstacles, challenges and great hardship. They must learn to process and control emotions. They must strive to walk the talk and stand up for what they believe.

A Black Belt understands the importance that harmony with one's self, others and the world they live leads to success in life.

Black belt training is not simply an external accomplishment, but an internal as well.

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