
Monday, August 13, 2012

Back To School Tips

We hope you had a great summer! School will be starting and while you are getting your clothes and supplies, don’t forget to prepare for an earlier bedtime knowing you will be getting up sooner.  We would like to remind you of the things you were taught here at Dinoto Karate that will help make your school year easier.

For better grades at school:
  1. Remember to look your teacher in the eyes when they are speaking.
  2. Remember you yes Ma’am, no Ma’am and yes Sir, no Sir. This is a good sign of respect and makes your parents and teachers very happy.
  3. Remember to do things the first time you are asked. This will help get your work done faster and will leave more time for the fun things.
  4. Remember homework is the most important thing you do. Good grades and work habits will be important to you for the rest of your life.

For safety at school:
1.               Never walk to or from school alone.
2.               Remember to always be aware. Keep your head up and always look around.
3.               Stay away from bullies. Do not hang out with bullies and remember we are never bullies ourselves.
4.               Be sure you know your bus number and that you get on the correct bus.
5.               Make sure you know your address and phone number.
6.               Make sure your parents know where you are at all times.

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