
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Clarity is Power

Simply meaning, the clearer you are on your goals and primary objectives, the better your chances of success and achievement. It’s easy to figure out how to achieve something, once you’ve decided what it is that you truly want. That’s call CLARITY.
Most people tend to have very foggy goals or wander through life day after day dreaming with no real direction. This is why we encourage you to develop S.M.A.R.T. goals in all areas.
Martial Arts training, and life, is a lot more fun and exciting when you have exciting and specific goals that you are aiming for.
Climbing the ranks and progressing in your journey to becoming a great Black Belt Champion is an extremely motivating process.
Learning and practicing your skills, training hard and getting yourself into your best shape ever, has a very positive impact on all areas of your life.
Once you have clarity with your goals and you have very specific targets to aim for, you must keep your goals in the forefront of your mind. It helps to review your goals daily.
You must eat, live and breathe your goals until you’re doing everything possible to move in direction of your dreams. Imagine everytime you enter the dojo, you’re highly motivated and focused to train…ready to take action toward improving your mind, body and spirit.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> CLARITY IS POWER! Think about your goals as a Black belt Champion, develop and create a clear vision of your short term goals, set some targets for the next 30-60-90 days…then use them as stepping stones to your longer term goals and objectives.
Train and condition yourself to be your best until you become… the Ultimate Black Belt Champion.

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